Bridging SIP Servlets and JAIN SIP

As discussed in one of my earlier blogs, there are 2 SIP stacks that can be used to build SIP applications - SIP Servlet API and JAIN SIP API. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, JAIN SIP API provides more structured way of building SIP Applications and could be used for any of the SIP entities. But SIP Servlet is more suitable for server side SIP entities; saying this SIP Servlet has the advantage of leveraging enterprise services more directly as it is integrated with Java EE containers.

Video Recording using Flash

Recording Video using Flash is a trend on the high. YouTube Quick Capture is one that has caught our eyes on this. So I was trying to get something done in the same way. I am basically Java developer and have experience of developing Video Recorder using Java Media Framework. Though I am a Java fanatic I feel that at present Flash is the way to Video on Internet. Its adaptation in video technology is very wide spread and well acclaimed.

Stickies on Ubuntu

It seems that Wine is an excellent tool to run Windows application on Ubuntu. Recently I had to use Stickies and tried it on Ubuntu. So first I had to install Ubuntu. I executed the following commands to install Wine on Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty. sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine For other platforms you can have a look at Then you have to simply download the stickies.

SIP application structure

As mentioned in my previous blog I feel that SIP applications are the next generation of applications for Desktop, Web and Mobile. By the will of Almighty, today I will be discussing the structure of SIP applications. We will see the main layers of the application and discuss them in bottom up approach. Any SIP application will contain 3 layers. Topmost is the Application Layer - where all the logics of the application resides and which takes care of the SIP packets.

SIP - For next generation communication

I have been introduced to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) from my college courses. From then it appealed a lot to me. As timed passed by I came to realize that with the rate in which everything is getting globalized it is a matter of time when VoIP will rule the world of communication. As internet is already accepted as the global information highway, communication is also bound to be built on that.